

Towards Reliability in Deep Learning Systems

Posted by Dustin Tran and Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Research Scientists, Google Research Deep learning models have made impressive progress in vision, language, and other modalities, particularly with the rise of large-scale pre-training. Such models are most accurate when applied to test…

A robot learns to imagine itself

Researchers have created a robot that is able to learn a model of its entire body from scratch, without any human assistance. In a new study, the researchers demonstrate how their robot created a kinematic model of itself, and then…

​​Deep Hierarchical Planning from Pixels

Posted by Danijar Hafner, Student Researcher, Google Research Research into how artificial agents can make decisions has evolved rapidly through advances in deep reinforcement learning. Compared to generative ML models like GPT-3 and Imagen, artificial agents can directly influence their…