

Private Ads Prediction with DP-SGD

Posted by Krishna Giri Narra, Software Engineer, Google, and Chiyuan Zhang, Research Scientist, Google Research Ad technology providers widely use machine learning (ML) models to predict and present users with the most relevant ads, and to measure the effectiveness of…

Google at EMNLP 2022

Posted by Malaya Jules, Program Manager, Google This week, the premier conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2022) is being held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. We are proud to be a Diamond Sponsor of EMNLP…

Will You Find These Shortcuts?

Posted by Katja Filippova, Research Scientist, and Sebastian Ebert, Software Engineer, Google Research, Brain team Modern machine learning models that learn to solve a task by going through many examples can achieve stellar performance when evaluated on a test set,…

AI for the board game Diplomacy

Successful communication and cooperation have been crucial for helping societies advance throughout history. The closed environments of board games can serve as a sandbox for modelling and investigating interaction and communication – and we can learn a lot from playing…

Talking to Robots in Real Time

Posted by Corey Lynch, Research Scientist, and Ayzaan Wahid, Research Engineer, Robotics at Google A grand vision in robot learning, going back to the SHRDLU experiments in the late 1960s, is that of helpful robots that inhabit human spaces and…