

Best practices for data enrichment

At DeepMind, our goal is to make sure everything we do meets the highest standards of safety and ethics, in line with our Operating Principles. One of the most important places this starts with is how we collect our data.…

A low-cost robot ready for any obstacle

Researchers have designed a robotic system that enables a low-cost and relatively small legged robot to climb and descend stairs nearly its height; traverse rocky, slippery, uneven, steep and varied terrain; walk across gaps; scale rocks and curbs; and even…

Next generation material that adapts to its history

Inspired by living systems, researchers have developed a new material that changes its electrical behavior based on previous experience, effectively giving it a basic form of adaptive memory. Such adaptive materials could play a vital role in the next generation…

Robots That Write Their Own Code

Posted by Jacky Liang, Research Intern, and Andy Zeng, Research Scientist, Robotics at Google <!—-><!—-> A common approach used to control robots is to program them with code to detect objects, sequencing commands to move actuators, and feedback loops to…