Improving Vision Transformer Efficiency and Accuracy by Learning to Tokenize
Posted by Michael Ryoo, Research Scientist, Robotics at Google and Anurag Arnab, Research Scientist, Google Research Transformer models consistently obtain state-of-the-art results in computer vision tasks, including object detection and video classification. In contrast to standard convolutional approaches that process…
Google at NeurIPS 2021
Evaluating Syntactic Abilities of Language Models
How statistics can aid in the fight against misinformation
Light-powered soft robots could suck up oil spills
RLDS: An Ecosystem to Generate, Share, and Use Datasets in Reinforcement Learning
‘My robot is a softie’: Physical texture influences judgments of robot personality
Researchers have found that the physical texture of robots influenced perceptions of robot personality. Furthermore, first impressions of robots, based on physical appearance alone, could influence the relationship between physical texture and robot personality formation. This work could facilitate the…