

Google at Interspeech 2022

Posted by Cat Armato, Program Manager, Google This week, the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2022) is being held in Incheon, South Korea, representing one of the world’s most extensive conferences on research and technology…

Robust Online Allocation with Dual Mirror Descent

Posted by Santiago Balseiro, Staff Research Scientist, Google Research, and Associate Professor at Columbia University, and Vahab Mirrokni, Distinguished Scientist, Google Research The emergence of digital technologies has transformed decision making across commercial sectors such as airlines, online retailing, and…

How our principles helped define AlphaFold’s release

Our Operating Principles have come to define both our commitment to prioritising widespread benefit, as well as the areas of research and applications we refuse to pursue. These principles have been at the heart of our decision making since DeepMind…