

How undesired goals can arise with correct rewards

As we build increasingly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems, we want to make sure they don’t pursue undesired goals. Such behaviour in an AI agent is often the result of specification gaming – exploiting a poor choice of what they…

AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation

Posted by Zalán Borsos, Research Software Engineer, and Neil Zeghidour, Research Scientist, Google Research Generating realistic audio requires modeling information represented at different scales. For example, just as music builds complex musical phrases from individual notes, speech combines temporally local…

Discovering novel algorithms with AlphaTensor

In our paper, published today in Nature, we introduce AlphaTensor, the first artificial intelligence (AI) system for discovering novel, efficient, and provably correct algorithms for fundamental tasks such as matrix multiplication. This sheds light on a 50-year-old open question in…

Large Motion Frame Interpolation

Posted by Fitsum Reda and Janne Kontkanen, Google Research Frame interpolation is the process of synthesizing in-between images from a given set of images. The technique is often used for temporal up-sampling to increase the refresh rate of videos or…