Conference Announcement: Artificial Intelligence in Medical Domain

We are pleased to announce that the Artificial Intelligence Medical and Engineering Researchers Society, in collaboration with Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology (AUTONOMOUS), is organizing a conference on Artificial Intelligence in the medical domain. The conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to exchange ideas, present their research papers, posters, and projects, and discuss the latest advancements in the field of AI in healthcare.

Call for Papers, Posters, and Project Presentations: We invite submissions of original research papers, posters, and project presentations related to the application of Artificial Intelligence in the medical domain. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Medical imaging analysis
  2. Disease diagnosis and prognosis
  3. Precision medicine and personalized treatment
  4. Drug discovery and development
  5. Electronic health records and clinical decision support systems
  6. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring
  7. Healthcare data analytics and big data
  8. Natural language processing in healthcare
  9. Robotics and automation in healthcare
  10. Wearable devices and sensors
  11. AI in medical education and training
  12. Ethics and privacy in AI healthcare applications
  13. AI-based medical devices and technologies
  14. Assistive technologies for the disabled
  15. AI in surgical planning and assistance
  16. Health monitoring and preventive care
  17. AI-driven healthcare management systems
  18. Patient engagement and empowerment
  19. AI in mental health and well-being
  20. AI applications in public health

Non-Medical Domains:

  1. Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation
  2. Natural Language Processing and Conversational AI
  3. Smart Cities and Urban Planning
  4. Financial Technology (Fintech) and AI-based Trading Systems
  5. AI in Education and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  6. AI in Agriculture and Precision Farming
  7. AI for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
  8. AI in Energy and Power Systems
  9. AI in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
  10. AI for Cybersecurity and Threat Detection
  11. AI in Retail and Customer Experience Enhancement
  12. AI in Entertainment and Media
  13. AI in Sports Analytics and Performance Enhancement
  14. AI in Human Resources and Talent Management
  15. AI in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  16. AI in Quality Control and Predictive Maintenance
  17. AI for Social Good and Humanitarian Applications
  18. AI in Gaming and Virtual Reality (VR)
  19. AI for Personalized Marketing and Recommendation Systems
  20. AI in Law and Legal Research

Publication: Accepted papers will be published in the AIMERS (Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Engineering Research Society) journal. AIMERS is a renowned journal dedicated to promoting research and innovation in the intersection of AI, medicine, and engineering.

Introduction to AIMERS Society: The Artificial Intelligence in Medical and Engineering Research Society (AIMERS) is an international society focused on advancing the research and application of AI in the medical and engineering domains. The society aims to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and dissemination of innovative ideas among researchers, professionals, and students in the field. AIMERS organizes conferences, workshops, and other events to promote the exchange of knowledge and facilitate networking opportunities for its members.

Registration: To register for the conference, please fill out the registration form using the following Google Forms link:

Conference Details: The conference is tentatively scheduled to take place in August. The specific date and further details will be announced in due course. We encourage researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the field of AI in the medical domain